Thank you for this - I needed a nudge to get back to my original imprint. I had my blueprint done over a year ago but lost my way with it. This sparked my Projector awake - perhaps an invitation I need to let this guide me more.

Such a gorgeous offering here. 🙏🏼

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Ahhh I am so happy to hear that it served as an invitation to explore further, thank you for taking the time to receive it once more, I really hope it leads to some interesting explorations. Always here to answer any questions you might have. xxx

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What a brilliant window into the world of HD Lauren 💫 and thank you for the mention.

It’s absolutely wild how HD got hold of me and transformed my life… I love how much it’s growing and just the amazing impact it has, magical!

In terms of other resource, I’ve trained / mentored with these two for a couple of years now which has helped me get deep into the work; Emma Dunwoody for her digestible insight and powerful coaching, and Jenni Crowther for her deep deep 1-1 wisdom and retreat space.

Always love connecting and chatting about this topic- it would be lovely to do this over a brew sometime ✨xxx

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Thank you Sarah, that means so much to hear from you as your HD pieces are so beautifully rich and insightful. I can't deny that it feels quite stretchy for me to share in written form but I am so glad that I have. I will definitely check out Emma and Jenni, I love hearing about others who are sharing in accessible ways. And yes yes... a chat over a brew would be wonderful. Message me and we can organise it. xxx

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Ahhh thanks love!! I’ll definitely get in touch xxx

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I absolutely loved this Lauren! Your explanations and introduction to Human Design are so clear and accessible and I really enjoyed hearing your voice. Thankyou for including my link with fellow Generators! I found it helpful when you spoke about the strategy to respond, I've wondered recently since I found out about HD what that means for me, and 'being open to what the world around is bringing to respond to' has really flipped a switch for me! I'm thinking yes, the plants speak to me, and give me things to respond to all the time! So I'm pleased about this breadcrumb trail to follow! I've also got a sacral authority and it's making me laugh how you've spoken about our bodies and maybe faces showing our gut reactions to things, as my partner always says I 'make so many faces'! I am learning to listen to my body, especially for seemingly small decisions, because it's the small ones I tend to override - whether I feel like being alone or in company, what I want to eat, which task on my to do should I do next? Really interesting and thought provoking.

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I am soooo happy to read this comment Jo, means so much to me that you enjoyed it and really happy that some of it flipped a switch for you. YES to the plants speaking to you all the time... there is so many unseen energies for us to respond to in many ways. The faces are so interesting, I think some do it more for others but I am definitely very expressive through my face and my sounds and it is very transparent!!!! Sometimes perhaps too transparent some might say. Ha! The little decisions are sometimes harder to practice I think because they become more habitual and we have to override our habits and comfortable paths... but also how amazing we get all of these opportunities to tune into our uniqueness. I am so grateful for your words here, thank you. xxx

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Lauren! This is the most beautiful, insightful and brilliantly informative guide to HD, without being overwhelming. Thank you for the beautiful description of Projectors which I found so inspiring and affirming (and thank you for always seeing me, and for including my publication in your lovely list!). Learning that I was a Projector some years ago shifted everything for me, and I am so aware of my daughter who is also a Projector (and the balance with my Generator Husband and MG son!). It is a journey that I would love to continue to delve into and learn more about how it applies to this chapter of my life xx

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I am so happy you enjoyed it lovely!! I truly honour your Projector insight more than you could know and I think you are the most beautiful example of someone being true to their design. xxx

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Ps I am a Projector, 1/3 with self-projected authority (hello voice notes!) xx

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Alllll the voice notes - always love receiving them. xxx

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Hiii! This was such a lovely read and very timely as I’m making my way back to my HD again. I’m a Generator 2/4 sacral authority and now more than ever am I aware of the 2/4 energy flow and my need to follow what makes me come alive. There is still some residue from my old ways of being but I’m embracing my authentic self with each passing day 🤗 I have my blueprint from Erin which I’ll browse again haha. Thank for this well written piece, I know this will help so many who are intrigued by this! ✨

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I am so glad it has come at the right time. I think Erin's work is fabulous so I am sure there is so much to explore within the blueprint. I really do think it comes in layers and as we embody one thing another thing pops up to experiment with but ultimately it is all a beautiful journey back to our truest ways of being. Aliveness is absolutely my compass so I love you used that word too. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means so much to me. xxx

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Thank you for including me in this wonderful piece!

HD does intrigue me. I may do a deeper dive some day.

I've learned a different system called an energy grid that maps different plants on the Chakras and it's also based on dob. It's wonderful to have those tools to help us go deeper and "unstuck" ourselves.

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Oh that system sounds so intriguing, I would love to know more about that. I think with HD if there is a little curiosity then it is worth playing and experimenting with things, if the call comes to do a deeper dive do let me know as I would be honoured to guide you. Thank you so much for reading and being part of this wonderful collection of creatives. xxx

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Yes Im paying attention to what's calling me. For now it's a move toward slowness and integration before heading into newer waters.

Here's a link so you can see what the energy grid Ive learned about looks like. I wrote about it alittle on a note. I'd be happy to explain more if you wish 😊


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Oh it looks so fascinating and intriguing!! xx

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I live HD. I studied at first with Erin Claire Jones, then moved on to also study QHD with Karen Curry Parker, did various other workshops and now diving into advanced HD with Raquel Reyna. I’m a 1/3 MG. Finding out more layers has helped me learn to be more patient with others and as a way to understand myself more.

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Oh this sounds amazing! I would love to study with both Erin and Karen… love the way they both express HD. There really are so many layers. Will look at Raquel’s work too… I’ve found my studies have come in waves and I need time to let each one settle before I can move into the next layer. It’s lovely to connect with you here. Thank you for being here xxx

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This is an almighty rich post! Thank you. I’ve dived into HD for years now and I think your description of emotional authority is the clearest I’ve heard. Thank you 💜

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Ahhh that is such a beautiful reflection, I am so glad that you found that clarity! Thank you so much for reading and sharing lovely. xxx

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Lauren, reading your piece felt like a warm embrace for my multi-passionate, sometimes scattered soul. As a fellow Manifesting Generator, the "never-ending onion" analogy deeply resonated. It's both comforting and slightly daunting to know that this journey of self-discovery is a lifelong adventure. Thank you for the reminder that it's not about "getting it right" but about embracing the unfolding with curiosity and playfulness.

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Ahhh I feel that 'multi-passionate, sometimes scattered soul'... so resonant! I definitely understand how daunting it is as well to know that things just keep unraveling!!! I try not to get too overwhelmed by that at times. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts, it was a really enjoyable article to write and I am so glad it has been received with such curiosity. x

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Ah thank you for the mention, Lauren, alongside a host of wonderful fellow Generators ✨ Such a helpful post. I had my HD read a while back and just like you said here it made me feel so SEEN. In particular it helped me to accept and honour aspects of myself I’d maybe previously struggled with. NOW they made sense. Maybe I wasn’t ‘wrong’ to be this way, I decided. I loved reading in your piece here about the other energy types which I hadn’t know much about. Tempted to suggest my husband has his HD read, I imagine it would be so helpful to get each other on this extra level! x

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Thank you so much for adding your name the magical cauldron of other Generators! I really think that understanding other's energy is such an important piece of the puzzle, and when you go deeper into the charts you can see how you merge together in different ways too. I love knowing the types and authorities of my girls and my husband, it has made things feel a lot more harmonious!! xx

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Interesting! I’m a 6/2 emotional Manifestor. Sometimes reading the description on it makes me feel bummed, because I’m not nearly as Type A as it sounds. However, I am doing my best to initiate a new career right now. Maybe doing so is the first chapter in a whole new book of freedom.

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That is so interesting, I think lots of people feel a little surprised when they find out their type. I see Manifestors as true connections to divine inspiration, there is this non verbal direct channel that comes through in an urge, or surge if inspiration that might sometimes come from nowhere! So rather than Type A, I feel they are such trail blazers, here to lead and create movements and the amazing thing is you can do this purely on an urge rather than having to wait for collaboration from the universe before you take action (like all of the other energy types)! A new career sounds exciting, and I really do hope that it is a new chapter for you. Would love to hear how you go with it all. xxx

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Thanks for the mention Lauren. This is a fascinating piece! I can resonate with much of what you say as a fellow MG; I too have been down many paths. I finally landed a career as a brand writer but was unable to return after having my son and becoming chronically unwell. Unearthing my authentic self rings very true at present as I navigate this period of my life feeling a little lost ✨

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Ahh Ashleigh, I so resonate with that feeling of being lost, how old is your son? I think there is an element of it being a season in life, but to be chronically unwell as well must be so challenging. In my own experience I have experienced my most 'unwell' times when I have been doing things that are not fully aligned, I also believe that there can be a lot of MG and Generator burn out because for so many we end up saying yes to things that are actually a body and soul NO. It drains our life force and depletes us. Motherhood is tough as well because so much of it is mundane and does not LIGHT us up... well at least that has been my experience, so I have had to find ways to make sure I 'fill up' my excitement well to counteract for those times when I am not able to access the juicy moments!! Thank you so much for being part of this and I hope to connect more on this topic. xxx

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He’s 4 next month! I could not agree with you more - I spent years on the brink of burnout as my career became my identity. Interestingly enough, my endocrinologist said I have the “textbook perfectionist personality type” that lands people with chronic fatigue/illness 😳 I’m taking a pause on Substack at the moment (maybe it’s the season) as the words aren’t flowing but I hope my mojo returns soon. Many great points Lauren! Lovely to chat with you x

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Thank you Lauren for putting this together! I’m still so new to this and did a free report earlier this year, but would love to dig in more. Are there blueprint tools you’d recommend? Forgive me if the nomenclature isn’t correct 😅. I’m a 1/3 sacral generator and over this past year I’m just now learning to trust my gut.

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Oh I love that you are just beginning to explore this. I do offer readings if you wanted a more live conversational deep dive, or you can look at something like humandesignblueprint.com which is created by Erin Claire Jones and she has developed a wonderful resource you can buy. If you prefer watching videos then I think Jenna Zoe has some resources you can purchase through myhumandesign.com. I think it comes in layers and playing with listening to your gut is absolutely the first step. I think after that I always like to start to understand the profile lines a bit more as that really helped me to understand how I could show up and relate to others and my work. Always happy to answer any questions you might have. xxx

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Thank you so much for the resources! I’m going to dig in this weekend.

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Lauren!! Thank you so much for the sweet mention in this beautifully comprehensive summary of Human Design. It's such a powerful tool to guide us back to our essence and authenticity, and I'm so excited that more and more people (like yourself!) are integrating it with the work they do. Excited to be connected on here and support each other in spreading the work <3

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Thank you so much Alexandra, it felt out of my comfort zone to share I think because it is such a vast amount of information but I hope it helps HD reach a few more people with curiosity. So grateful for your sharings and teachings. xxx

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Thank you for the shoutout—this is wonderful and I look forward to learning more. I’ve been following you for a while but it had somehow missed me that you are so knowledgeable about human design! I’m a 2/4 emotional Projector and lately have been feeling a bit in the hermit stage—my drafts section is absolutely brimming with amazing stuff but am still waiting for the call as far as which posts to share when. My whole business and Substack have been very informed by the requests and feedback I get from my community and I certainly credit human design with opening me up to the allowing of space I need to feel settled and ready to share. I was definitely one of those Projectors that spent the first few decades of my life trying to keep up and thereby chained to the alternations of bitterness and success. Also—just like you, I closed and sold my freelance marketing business and agency post-Covid to enter into health & wellness! I discovered human design shortly after making that committment 🧡

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Oh lovely synchronicity Nikko! I think that time of life was really pivotal for many reasons and definitely highlighted some of the 'cracks'! I haven't really shared a huge amount of my HD stuff here yet... but it is coming!!! I needed something to respond to!! 2/4 can often feel such a conflict can't it with the desire to hermit and yet also the desire to connect with your community. Sometimes I think with Projectors there is a little bit of a need to share in order to receive the invitations as well, a bit of a 'chicken and egg' situation. Are there any pieces that feel like they are ready to come to life?? xxx

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Absolutely agree! The lovely thing about where I’m at with my Substack now after 3 years of publishing is I get so much feedback, my sharing now mostly feels like responding to questions I’ve had 1-1 and just filling them out for more universal application.

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That’s such a beautiful thing and such a wonderful way to honour your energy too! Xx

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Thank you Lauren for the mention :) Reading your article made me realize how new HD still can be for folks out there. Truly an inspiration to share more on it on my Substack! You by the way have done a fabulous job. This is THE perfect resource for anyone looking to start their HD Journey ☁️✨ definitely gonna recommend enthusiastic newbies! As a Mani Gen, the path is truly never linear but I'm definitely learning to have fun while at it 🌈🌙 i made a free meditation for mani gens a while back, leaving it here for lovely mani gens who desire to lean onto the magic even more ✨✨✨ https://insig.ht/hyUr6t1B3Ob

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Thank you so much Shivani, I will have a look at the meditation when I can as that sounds so perfect!!! I am so grateful for your reassuring words on this piece, there is so many layers of course but I hope it gives a little of a starting point for people. Having fun I think is so key to everything. xxx

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