May 16Liked by Lauren Barber

Love this - reading this made me realise I definitely have the same conflict and looking back there’s been years where we travelled so much (after Covid for example - probably as a bit of ‘rebellion/breaking free’) and years I haven’t felt the urge (this year so far) - different goings on and stages of the children’s lives as well must have a bearing for me I think too xx

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Yes definitely resonate with that sense of different stages and seasons, and you are probably getting so much fulfilment out of your business adventure at the moment that perhaps there isn’t that desire to escape elsewhere as much?!? Xxx

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May 17Liked by Lauren Barber

Yes I’m sure that’s part of it … mini weekend adventures are great at the moment 🤍

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Love your reflections on the gifts of travelling with a small child/children - the slowness, early mornings, I love those too. I can totally understand the both/and you feel around wanting to travel and wanting the safe anchor of a sense of home.

For me personally, I feel grateful that something had shifted in me in the months leading up to getting pregnant - me and James had gone on lots of adventures in the year or so before it (and in the years before that too), and I genuinely felt ready and happy to settle, without that longing to travel far. I think the UK has so SO many stunning places to visit like Cornwall, the Lake District, Scotland, and so much more, I feel totally happy to explore here and if we do go abroad not too far - so next year we'll probably go to Scotland or get the ferry to France and visit Normandy. I am grateful for all this because if I still wanted to have bigger adventures that would be hard - because I find travel very stressful at the best of times and with a small child it's next level isn't it??!!

Thanks for reminding me about Hamburg and Germany too - I definitely would love to visit there soon to connect with my maternal line and history xxx

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Thank you so much for your comment lovely, I too am so called to explore the UK and Europe more than anywhere to be honest. I feel like it will connect me deeper to that place within me that craves home. There are so many places I want to show the girls as they grow up and truly hope that we get the chance too. Hamburg and Germany was so beautiful I would definitely recommend. xxx

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Ohh the north of Germany is beautiful, so Nordic already compared to other parts of the South where I live.

My parents travelled all over Australia with me when I was 18 months turning 2. I have no idea how they did it but my dream would be to do the same one way or the other once I have children. Not that I want to go to Australia but travelling is so important to me. And maybe… maybe I’m just naive and will see if it’s still what feels right when I get there. But for now I hold these dreams in my heart.

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Those dreams are beautiful and so valid!!! I went to Jamaica with my parents when I was 18 months old and I love knowing that even though I don’t remember it! Xx

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Jamaika sounds incredible too . I don’t remember anything from that trip as a toddler sadly either x

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This made me want to travel. I feel the need every few months and we are overdue because we are tending to home stuff, we move to a new house next month. It is hard to balance both. I love traveling with my son, I find it easier than being home usually, even if traveling is just to the park. He thrives on new experiences and being out in the world. On the other hand, I love being home but I am always happy when I travel. It is an experience of forever holding the duality of life!

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I feel similar with my youngest actually… she is much more challenging in the house. While my eldest is such a home girl she would happily play and just exist at home. I think that making sure there is a shift in space every few months feels good… I’ve been stuck in one place since last July which is too too long. I’m a mountains person in HD and so I need to get up high and see things from a different perspective in order to feel like myself!!!! Thank you for reading, hoping the house move goes smoothly for you xxx

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful trip with us. A lot of your thoughts and words have been stirred in me since our trip last week too and I realise that whilst I have found it necessary to anchor and turn inward in early motherhood, I had forgotten the beauty of being out in the world. I love how you describe holding the duality and I do believe we need to feel both. Perhaps it is about opening to opportunities and evoking the feelings of both home and adventure as much as we can…? xx

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Gosh yes I really relate - there is that call inward and then I think we maybe have to call ourselves OUT again as it can become a little too comfortable perhaps? There is a definite need for that inner time though so perhaps this is where that gentle emergence energy comes from. A toe out at a time. I know I definitely feel way more ready to be 'out in the world now. And yes... opening up to opportunities that feel like the world is a little larger but while still staying anchored - I think there is a way to dance with this. Much easier when the weather here is pleasant!

Thank you so much for reading and your thoughtful comment. xxx

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May 8Liked by Lauren Barber

Felt this one deep. Thank you

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Thank you for reading and sharing your resonance xxx

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May 8Liked by Lauren Barber

This really resonated with me Lauren! I too, am of two minds when it comes to be home and also wanting to travel 🧳 I am a Taurus and home is so important to my sign and I really do embrace that, but also… the siren song of travel always pulls me! My youngest is 6 years old so it is definitely easier to get around now when out and about, so definitely grateful for that 💗

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Ooooh I love that term…. The siren song of travel! I’m so glad you shared that it resonates, I think we are still in the slightly more challenging era with a 4.5yr old and 16 month old… but I feel like it will only get easier!!! Xx

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Oh I feel excited about the prospect of travel this summer! We’re planning a trip to the western isles and to a greek island. Crete, I think. It’s Lowen’s first time overseas and Cora’s first trip abroad in years. We’ve had so many lovely holidays and experiences here in the UK but missed travelling farther and wider 💛

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Oh that sounds amazing! I adore the Greek islands and really want to travel in that area more! How wonderful you have those to look forward to. We are heading to France which I can’t wait for! Xx

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For myself, I am learning that I must practice slowness and flexibility in the mundane moments of if I ever want them to work outside of the home (travel for example). Thank you for the words and for sharing the conference.

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Yes that is such an important lesson! You are so welcome - thank you for inviting me to be part of it. xx

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