I totally relate to expansion being uncomfortable and a transition I would love to skip over but also knowing that in the resistance I can extract the medicine my nervous system needs to go slow and my soul needs to feel safe. Exactly like your affirmations I need to tell myself it’s safe to take up space, to been seen more fully, to move towards different timelines in which not only my family life is thriving but also my finances, where it’s not an either or but both and more! Auspicious time ✨

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I love that sentiment of extracting the medicine your nervous system needs... gosh yes this! I think there is so many layers to feeling safe enough to be seen more fully and the timeline for moving through those layers - and the path that it might take - is so varied. So often I know I want the quickest route to growth and yet that is so often not the sustainable way. Thank you so much lovely one for reading and for your comment, I truly appreciate it. xxx

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Expansion means holding into my QUEEN energy when the shoulds and must dos of the masculine business savvy/ cut throat world is a coat I can’t try on. ✨🙌🏻❤️‍🩹 HAPPY MOON and congrats on a gorgeous event dear Lauren. ✨✨✨✨✨✨

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Oh I LOVE this Claire - holding that energy is so beautiful - especially when the world around us wants to lose it. THANK YOU - I am so excited for more to come. So grateful for you and your love and support always. xxx

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This is so beautiful and I love that you are leaning into expansion this full moon. It feels like the time has come. For me right now expansion feels like not necessarily seeking out something new or outside myself, but instead finding ways to integrate all of the parts of me. When I draw on every aspect of me and the experiences I’ve had, I feel a sense of wholeness/fullness and that I am where I am supposed to be. I can’t wait to do the prompts, thank you for sharing xx

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Oh yes yes yes... I adore this and that is truly how it feels for me too. It isn't a new skill or doing something different really, it is actually bringing all parts of me back to the surface and staying with them lovingly. Having the courage to remember desires and wishes and hopes and dreams and actively taking gentle and loving steps towards them. Wholeness is a word I am really exploring at the moment. Hope the prompts support you, and thank you so much for reading and sharing your perspective. xxx

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This full moon is in Sagittarius. The planet jupiter rules this sign. One of the significantions of jupiter is expansion but at the same time it's very unifying. There have been a number of jupiter transits recently. I wonder if you're picking up on the astrology. Forgive me if you already knew this BTW xx

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Thank you so much - I am so fascinated by this. I didn't know a huge amount about the Jupiter transits until after writing this and then of course loads of things found their way to me - which felt really affirming to be exploring the topic of expansion right now. I love tuning into the cosmos but I have to admit I often find it a little overwhelming so generally tune into what is stirring inside me. I am sure it is very much seasonal as well as the natural world around me is literally expanding by the day!! xxx

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This this this my love. Love you

May we blossom under this moon 💓

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Love to to you dearest, you were in my dreams this week! I must VN you. May we blossom in the energy of the fullness. xxx

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Thank you for sharing how you still feel nervous/like you want to disappear even after 10 years! I notice these feelings in me as well when I teach—there is a tensing almost that happens in my body at the same time that I feel that “this is what I’m supposed to be doing.” I’ve had a hard time reconciling that. This was a lovely reminder that it doesn’t need to be reconciled 🙂

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Honestly I could speak on this topic so much - I spent so long on that edge of knowing it is my heart work to do this and show up, and then not feeling like I could hold myself through the discomfort of showing up so vulnerably. It put a halt to my space holding over and over again. I do definitely feel a much higher capacity to hold it now, I think Motherhood has been a bit part of that, and also age and understanding, and experience of course. The times when I felt very wobbly in myself I just couldn't hold the space for others in the same way and knew I needed to take pauses to stay in integrity for those I was gathering with. I don't think anyone ever talks about this in YTT or any kind of practitioner training. It really is something I think we can hold in duality and it also makes it even more crucial that we soothe and support ourselves as space holders. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your resonance. xxx

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Yes! When I taught my 300hr training,I had a whole module on facilitation. No one really understood why I was including it but learning how to hold and facilitate space is such a huge part of teaching and an essential skill!

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Absolutely… I think it’s the most crucial part to be honest!

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I am totally feeling the discomfort of expansion right now. Almost to the point of frustration, it feels as I am bursting, but can't keep it contained. I took am leaning into the slow gentle approach as much as it is difficult for my patience 🤣

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Holding you in the discomfort lovely, it is not an easy journey, but one that I have no doubt you will evolve into with love and care. xxx

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Thank you for giving me food for thought on expansion and I look forward to contemplating how this looks for me. Your circles sound very welcoming and empowering x

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Thank you so much for that reflection. That is certainly my intention.

I really hope that the contemplation supports you, would love to hear how it goes when you get a chance. Thank you so much for reading and receiving the offerings. xxx

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