This is so beautiful Lauren, but my most favourite part is the real-time snippets of where you are writing and pouring your words out.

It somehow strips away the perfection of a polished post, that I deeply envy in others, and makes it so much more real and relatable, knowing that you are crafting your art, your words, in those small moments because they simply need to come out. Stunning as always 🤍

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Thank you lovely one, part of me wondered if it was random but the idea came to me to share the reality and I thought I would run with it. Sometimes I get to sit and write with a clear run but that is very rare in reality. I am so glad that you enjoyed those little pauses!!! My writing comes in the still points between life!! xxx

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Honestly, it is perfect and I love everything about it. It’s also wonderful to see your process of how you write 🤍

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Still points before I dive into a card meaning. Have you read the TS Eliott poem about still points in a turning world?

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I love it too, “at the still point — there the dance is” xx

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I need to find it and read it. xx

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No I haven’t, but it sounds like I need to! Xx

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The moments of mothering punctuating the prose. Adore, adore, adore 💛

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Thank you lovely one… that seems to have spoken to many. Xxx

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Loved this Lauren. The poem at the end is so very beautiful x

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Thank you so much for reading, I’m glad you enjoyed the poem xxx

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So beautiful L, I loved this journey of flow and pauses as they emerged within your writing and mothering. I love the idea of the still point and it is an idea I have been pondering a lot over the summer, that this really is the time to pause and immerse ourselves in the everything and nothing and all of the depth and potential that lies there. In love with your poem, I can’t wait to print it out! Thank you for sharing your words and truth xx

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Thank you Lyndsay, so happy that you resonated with it, and of course we are both very much in this enforced stillpoint for many reasons. The everything and nothing bizarrely has so much depth to it doesn’t it? Glad you enjoyed the poem, it flowed really naturally (in between Mothering) last week and I knew it needed to be shared. I am so enjoying this space as a home for this poetry, it seems that having claimed that space here the words are coming again. Grateful for you always. xxxx

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Yes! I was thinking just yesterday about how I am so used to the stop/start of things now in mothering, but I really found it such a different way of being at the beginning. I can’t imagine having endless time with no interruptions/without my heart living in different places at the same time. So happy your poetry has found a lovely home xx

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Beautiful words my love 😍

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Thanks lovely one. xxx

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Aug 19Liked by Lauren Barber

Lauren, I so appreciate how you wove the stop-start of mother-life around your reflections here. It felt like such a beautiful granting of permission to just be as life allows us and so perfectly reflects the essence of the still points you talk about. Thank you for sharing both your reflections and this lovely window on how you tend both your family and your writer self. ❤️

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I am so happy that it landed for you in this way Jen, it really does make me happy that the reality of life and the lessons it is giving me resonate with others. I am sitting on the floor on my laptop as we speak replying to your comment while my eldest does a puzzle next to me. This is the dance for sure. xxx

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I am not sure what I loved more, the exploration of still points or the pauses of how life shifted since you last wrote. I needed these words today as I tried to hit the ground running with some intense Full Moon energy coursing through me. I am noticing the more chaos I feel internally, the less need to do to be with it. I am usually needing a few moments of my presence and attention.

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Ooof the full moon has been a big one hasn’t it? I have definitely felt the wateriness of her. Hope that today you can find a few more still points, it is interesting how when we acknowledge that they are there even in the chaos we can find more of them. So glad you enjoyed the reality of writing in real time… it felt like a fun thing to weave in!! xxx

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Aug 19Liked by Lauren Barber

What a beautiful exploration, Lauren. I have been finding my own still points (how is it that they so often walk hand in hand with challenge and chaos?!) and they are marvelously transformative. Catalysts in a core way. "Rushing and pushing, forcing and ‘proving’ is taking us further and further away from living as fully alive human beings." Yes to this, many times over. x

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Thank you so much Jan, I really relate to them often walking hand in hand with challenge and chaos. I think so often things feel MORE challenging though when we don't pause and let ourselves catch up a moment, but for some reason it always takes me a while to actually remember to get still! A lifelong lesson I am sure. Very grateful for your comment here. xxx

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