Loved this Lauren. June does seem so hopeful so full of life, and sooooo much light. Sometimes I almost feel like a vampire, squirming away from the light. This year in particular I long for more winter and rain, but that always tells us something doesn’t it? That perhaps we fear the hope. Fear and faith are both imaginings of a future so I think that June tells us to chose the latter instead.

It’s also funny that my summers now are more about enjoying those long days, and the garden and the reading. When I was younger I used to get bored I was so ready to return to school after a couple of weeks. I was so in the doing. Thank you for your words as always. Happy June ✨✨✨

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That is such an interesting way of looking at things, and yes there is that little fear that maybe 'I won't have made the most of it'... I always also have such excitement for autumn though, so I think there is magic in each season. I have to say I am thoroughly fed up of the rain this year. I love winter if we get a proper cold fresh winter, but the grey dreary damp that we had this year was just not enlivening at all!!!

And yesssss to long days and hanging out in the garden. I love doing that now. Simple is always the most nourishing I find. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, and I am wishing you a gentle and heart nourishing month. xxx

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This was wonderful, feeling it all ❤️

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Thank you lovely one. xxx

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Ah I loved this Lauren, your writing captures June perfectly. It is such a beautiful month, there is that slight anxiety about making the most of it before the light starts to slowly wane but also having the summer ahead, however that should unfold. I loved your reminiscence on the summer holidays and felt my experiences of family trips to France every year in your words, simple but beautiful. For me, often ending with a new French pencil case from their Rentrée collections (if I was lucky!), the anticipation of my birthday and the new school term! Thank you for sharing your words, I’m glad they found you and I am so looking forward to rose garden medicine on 22nd and for crafting our plans in the edges of the summer xx

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Oh my gosh yes the stationary trip every year before school began... that was such a highlight. I still can't help myself from wandering down those aisle in the supermarkets now... I wonder if I can use Sophia starting school as a good excuse to tap into that joy once more? Thank you so much for reading and receiving my words in such a loving and kind way. I am so very grateful for your comment. xxx

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Yes! Pretty sure our girls will be down with the idea of a French pencil case! xx

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Thank j you, such beautiful words and how lovely it was to listen. I am not finding much time to read or write these days, I relate so much into feeling stuck, or rather lost as what to write but finding it always comes. I too already live on term time, sometimes I don't like it and want to rebel 🤣 but my eldest is really enjoying preschool🥹 thank you as always

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Thank you for reading/listening lovely… it’s such an interesting paradox as always. The words need a space to pour don’t they? But sometimes getting to the page… a bit like getting to the mat.. is the hardest thing to do xxx

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Jun 9Liked by Lauren Barber

Beautiful. I try and half 30 mins of prayer and writing most days of the school holidays to anchor myself for the day ahead. The day always goes better when I make a bit of time for me and my creativity especially as our summer plans look different from what I would love to do as my autistic kids often struggle to leave the house. I'm leaning in to the garden and BBQs!

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Oh this is such a beautiful anchor - I really do think that if I can carve that time out it will support me so much. I will have to be very devoted to my self tending for sure! BBQs and garden time sounds so wholesome, I hope you can find lots of lovely ways to hang out together and soak up the summer. xxx

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Jun 8Liked by Lauren Barber

This was beautiful Lauren. Absolutely beautiful 💗

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Thank you so much for your kind words, I am so grateful to know you read and received. xx

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Jun 8Liked by Lauren Barber

June feels a little like hope to me too. Lovely musings Lauren, thank you for such peaceful poignancy.

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Jun 8Liked by Lauren Barber

June feels a little like hope to me too. Lovely musings Lauren, thank you for such peaceful poignancy.

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You are so welcome, and thank you so much for reading and commenting. xxx

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Feeling this

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Glad to know it is mutual xx

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