A beautiful invitation Lauren! So much to think about and connect with here - thank-you for sharing your journey with us. I wish I had your words when I first became a mum.

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Thank you! I really hope that the words reach the people who need them!! Xx

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Beautiful piece and yes, I do. I came to motherhood later in life and I feel fortunate that I expected it to be a massive change, and to change me... I think that did help. I once read somewhere that having a baby is like becoming a vampire -- you gain all kinds of new and incredible abilities but the old self has to die. That always stayed with me a bit and I do think it’s true. I think it’s also why some old friendships tend to fade away, as painful as that can be.

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Oooof yes relate to this. That is a great analogy! So much has to be let go and that can be so challenging but also so much beauty within it too! xx

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This is the most beautiful piece of writing that I can see comes straight from your heart, in the way that it travels straight to mine! A ‘re-arrangement’ is such a great way to describe it and not one I had thought of before... admittedly it is something I completely underestimated in my maidenhood. Also, I remember in the early days of motherhood with my first, a friend asked if I felt ‘back to normal’ yet, despite the well-meaning question it felt like a crazy concept, of course I wasn’t going ‘back’ anywhere, that I had been altered forever and that was fine and a good thing. But you are right, it is a re-arrangement, slowly all the pieces of you re-surface and begin to fit back together.

Thank you for sharing your experience with your second too, they absolutely do break us wide up open all over again and seem to do whatever they can not to fit into the ideal we had in our minds!

I will try my best to join the circle on Thur, I would so love to be there, it sounds beautiful. And your offering for new mothers sounds so special and exactly what is needed, I will have a think about that too...

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Ahhh thank you so much for reading lovely! I’m so glad it spoke to your Mama heart!

It’s so crazy the idea of going back to ‘normal’... nothing is ever how it once was and it’s strange to think that we are expected to ‘go back’... baffling!

I think it’s all pieces of us they just fit together in different ways than before. The perspective is so different. Forever changed.

Would absolutely love to share circle with you... and would also love to share something from you in the guide if you feel called! Thank you for your support and for reading, I hope your trip away is going gently for you xxxx

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You always speak to the depths of my soul, Lauren. You described the intense, chaotic, messy, magical, beautiful experience of becoming a mother perfectly. It truly is a re-arrangement, and I have a feeling with each new child that the re-arrangement happens in a new way.

I love that you're offering a Circle and tea time! Unfortunately, it's 4am my time or I would join! If you record it, I'd love to watch the replay. But count me in for the next afternoon session!

Also absolutely love your other offering, I'll have to think about what I can share for that.

Thank you again for another gorgeous post. You always know the perfect thing I need to hear. Xx

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Oh yes! Both girls have rearranged me in so many different ways!!! Thank you so much for reading! Ohhhh the time difference is so annoying... but I will make sure to do the next one a little later so you can hopefully join!! It’s always tricky working out the best time! I would absolutely love to include something of yours for the ritual guide!!! I was hoping you would feel called to it! Xxxx

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This was incredibly thought provoking and brave to share! I don’t want to read and run but will come back to comment properly when I get a chance. 💛

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Ahhh thank you lovely!! I’m looking forward to the conversation when you have space!! Xx

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Ahhh there you are Lauren! Loved hearing your voice and what comfort and resonance I'm sure it will bring to others. I think the rearrangement can be applied to many other stages of life too. 🙏

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Oh yes absolutely!!! So many stages of life and rites of passage totally rearrange us!!! Thank you so much for listening! Xx

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