So much of this resonates, especially that part about the early motherhood years past postpartum but before preschool.

For me, the abundance of summer feels overwhelming. Rest comes differently in those small, present moments, afternoons at the pool, beach vacations, and walks, scooter rides with my kids after dinner and generally enjoying the warmth and sun. But it’s also more important than ever that I hold boundaries so as not to get burnt out and overheated. Boundaries become my rest practice.

In my cycle, summer is similarly very overwhelming for me emotionally. I have to be very careful that all my energy doesn’t burn everything down. Being present with all my internal seasons has helped me so much in choosing practices intentionally and extending grace and compassion toward myself.

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I really love this awareness and I am coming to this understanding myself too... I think when I was younger and before motherhood I was able to really fly in my inner (and outer) summer but since Motherhood, and perhaps also as I edge towards peri-menopause, I simply need to keep that energy lovingly contained and held for me. I really truly just crave simplicity and being outside in the summer months. Thank you so much for this comment and your thoughts here, I feel like we have lots we could talk about in relation to all of this. xx

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We could talk for days 😂

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Oooo yes feeling this. Especially what you say about this chapter of mothering, when they are not babies anymore but it is still so hard and you feel like you should have it sorted but of course its not and there is a death/rebirth of self again and again. Feel as though I am digging very deep right now...! And yes to summer rest, I read some words in Katherine May's solstice post about this moment as traditionally being the pause between the growth season before the harvest takes place. I feel as though that is probably deeply ingrained, as well as of course the rhythm of a break from study and the summer holidays in our bones. It all feels as though it overlaps. Sending love to you and can't wait for our solstice stillness medicine gathering tomorrow xx

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Yes that makes so much sense - and I don’t know why it hadn’t fully landed for me until now. Always unravelling of course! This phase of Mothering is so intense and wild - I mean they all are - but it feels A LOT to hold within myself right now, and it often feels like I am ‘supposed’ to have a lot of it figured out way more than I do! So excited for tomorrow. xxx

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Sitting in my drafts are my thoughts on this, I can’t wait to link to your beautiful piece when I share it because it is such an important question and I feel I seeing summer clearly for the first time. Historically, I thought of it a time for newness but this time around I am honing in on nurturing what I have already set into motions. Thank you for raising this question, I think it is so important.

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Thank YOU for being part of this conversation, I feel so strongly that it is such vital medicine that is so needed. Can’t wait to read your piece. xx

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Whew, I feel seen! Thank you for capturing this experience so beautifully. I find it immensely hard to honor my body’s signals that it wants to rest in summer. I remember childhood summers being filled with long, lazy days. Even the adults would spend hours visiting in shady yards in the evenings after work. I struggle to allow myself that same experience, feeling constantly hit by the waves of frenetic drive to do, do, do. I’m going to remind myself of your imagery of watching the blossoming of all the work from winter and spring. This is a great time to pause before harvest season. Wishing you space to honor your body’s needs and desires!

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Yes yes! The pause before harvest season… I love that reflection thank you. I’m so glad that the words landed for you in this way. Xx

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Jul 5Liked by Lauren Barber

Yes!! I recently wrote a piece about resting in summer - when summer embodies the peak of intensity it doesn’t seem to make sense to stack on MORE but rather, to do less

Love that this feels like a collective realisation

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Oh me too! Adore that there is so much resonance at this realisation, it feels like layers of conditioning are being shed! Will look to read your piece, thank you xxx

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Jul 3Liked by Lauren Barber

So much resonating for me Lauren ♥️ I find it harder to rest in the evenings at the moment, when Luna generally does her longest stretch of sleep, as it is also sometimes the only uninterrupted chunk of time I get to work. But this then gets my head going, I get buzzy and struggle to switch off and then rest /get to sleep. And the longer evenings definitely make feel like I ‘should’ be awake / doing rather than being.

This has prompted me to schedule in one of your gorgeous nidras in the next few days xxx

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I really feel you on this! I also wonder if this is slightly MG energy too… I know that I can be exhausted at 6pm and then by 8pm I suddenly have a burst of energy and can’t sleep. If I’m not in bed by 10pm then I get some weird second wind and can’t sleep!!! It’s a hard balance to have and I’ve had to be quite strict with myself to factor in proper wind down time before I go to bed or I will be awake with thoughts whirring round and round. I hope you get to enjoy the nidras xxxx

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This is so true! Albus is 1, he rarely sleeps longer than 4 hours at a time, we're lucky to get 3 and having to get on with the day, drive go to work. It's so tiring and not many offerings of help or checking in. This is real tough one for me, not all children sleep! 🤣🙈 Thank you as always 🙏

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I hear you. 18 months and still multiple wakes at night, lots of bed hopping and very rarely more than a few hours at a time without some form of disturbance. I’ve felt really broken by it recently… almost more so than the early days. Xx

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For many years I’ve contemplated this, mostly because I’ve probably always felt this way, but have never fully grasped it…

I thought that I/we needed rest, pause or slow down a bit to counteract the busyness of life during the summer months, with longer days to fill and fuller social calendars.

But the truth is, I believe, this deep yearning for rest comes because we’ve been working flippin hard growing through Winter and Spring that we deserve a break to sit back and take it in. Like you said, it’s about enjoying the fruits of our labour and it’s giving me 9 of Pentacles vibes, to sit back and observe just how far we’ve come.

Gorgeous magic as always, thank you Lauren ✨

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I think this is exactly where I have just landed too... the realisation that actually summer is not about pushing more, it is about basking in the glow of our efforts. I also think that for so many of us we are undoing many years of not listening to the inner rhythms so some seasons are going to be way more slow and need a lot more grace and space than others, particularly in Motherhood I suspect.

So grateful always for your comment and energy in this space. xxx

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Basking in the glow of our efforts, beautiful ✨

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Oh mama does this resonate! I am so sorry to hear of your migraine experience! As you know I get them as well and it is always my signal of pushing and depletion, it’s like your body just says enough and forces you into the stillness (though a painful stillness). Wishing you many summer blessings, and days of rest and renewal ❤️

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I am pretty sure we had a similar conversation last year when the same happened to me - will I ever learn?!? We teach what we most need right? Thank you for your words and wishing you the same. xxxx

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We probably did!! And so true, I am finding that more and more that I wish to write and teach on what I am still processing through —finally letting go of the guilt and ego self-doubt that I need to have it all together before I do, because that won’t ever happen 🤪

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Oh gosh yes I’ve definitely had to let go of that… we are all learning constantly right? X

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