I started drinking cacao regularly again after I listened to your audio you share back in the spring (or whenever it was!) I find my heart opening more and with more ease since welcoming cacao back into my life and my daily routine. It helps me keep my feet rooted more firmly on the earth, which is usually the intention I weave into it when I prepare it.

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Oh I adore that Emma, I am so so glad that those words helped guide you back to Cacao. That is exactly how I feel… there is a softness that comes to me the moment I begin preparing it, and everything feels just a little bit more anchored. Love that intention. xxx

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our writing beautifully captures the essence of cacao as a catalyst for creativity and connection. As a fellow creative, I often struggle with finding the time and space to nurture my artistic side. Your experience of incorporating cacao into your daily life, even amidst the demands of motherhood, is inspiring. I love the idea of using cacao as a tool to soften expectations and embrace imperfection in my creative process.

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Thank you so much Alexander, I am really happy that you felt inspired reading this. I truly think that one of the missing pieces to thriving in our creativity is the importance of nurturing those ‘unessen’ pieces, for me ritual and cacao really does this and also helps me to connect to parts of me that don’t ‘come online’ until I take the moment to pause and be present. x

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Sep 13Liked by Lauren Barber

I first discovered cacao on an art walk and one of the artists was serving it and gave us the instructions to make it. We have been making it the same way sense. I feel it opens up my emotions and creativity and makes me feel calm.

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Oh what a beautiful way to be introduced to cacao! I love that it has stayed with you since then, and I really feel similar, it allows me to soften to all emotions, feel more but in a gentle way and it always sparks creativity. One of my favourite ways to use it is at the start of a creative project. Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. xxx

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Cacao she is holy ❤️ beautiful piece Lauren x

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Oh she really is! Thank you darling xxx

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Oooh thank you for sharing this. Such a beautiful reminder to incorporate ritual into mothering... and a nudge to get back into cacao for me!

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Ahhh so glad I could be the bridge between Cacao and you to return back to her. I feel like when there is that intention to make some of the mundane more like a sacred ritual it makes Mothering so much more magical!! Thank you for reading and sharing your words. xxx

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I love how you have weaved this ritual into motherhood - to still drink, even if you're caring for your girls. It's such a great reminder to let go of perfectionism and how much the ritual is about the intention and the micro-moments. I have only ever drunk cacao ceremonially in women's circles. I love this invitation to pause and slow down. I try to do this with my coffee in the morning, though of course coffee has a very different effect on the body!!

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Oh I hope we get to sit in circle and share a cup soon!! I think that there is absolutely ritual to be had with your coffee too though, it is the act of pausing and taking the cup, feeling the warmth and the way it impacts your body. You can weave it into anything really. Thank you for reading. xxx

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Cacao is so mysterious. I did a workshop for children in schools a few years ago. I made 30 cups of cacao and they all drank it with cayenne in some cases.

On a personal level I've been drinking it for years but usually it's a phase. I find it affects the heart very gently. I'd say it allows the heart to hold with softness.

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How wonderful you took it into schools. Yes to the mystery, and yes to the softness… both of which are so important I think in modern life when everything can be so linear. I also think it definitely ebbs and flows, it certainly has for me and actually is another beautiful reminder of the non linear nature of life. xxx

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I love synchronicity. This essay came to me today after just having attended my first cacao ceremony this past weekend. It took place in a salt room. We reclined in seats placed in a small circle and was led into a yoga Nidra after the ceremony. The heart expansion was real and lasting.

I love how you speak to the sacred ritual you now make space for - irrespective of having the “right” conditions (why not invite your girls to be witness to this beauty?)

I am inspired to create my own regular practice.

Thank you, Lauren.

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Oh this is so magical Allison, thank you for sharing with me. I really think Cacao and Nidra go together so beautifully, and in fact I shared in a Mother’s Circle both earlier this year and it was such a potent medicine. I am excited for you to see how she wants to be woven into your life. xxx

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What a beautiful piece of writing Lauren, I so enjoyed this and being drawn into your thoughts on ritual and it's importance. I have friends who talk about how beneficial they have found cacao but until now I've never felt called to try it.

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Thank you so much for reading Louise, I am glad that you enjoyed reading it. I really do believe that cacao kind of ‘calls’ to you if/when you need her medicine… like any plant ally I think… I wonder if you will hear her whispers a little more now? xxx

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Sep 11Liked by Lauren Barber

Very interesting 🤔 I have a pack of raw cacao in the cupboard and have been trying to build moment where I look for little good things or glimmers into my daily practice. Maybe I could marry cacao with this?

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Oh yes, in my experience cacao allows a softness that makes it much easier to see the glimmers. The ritual of creating the drink, sitting for a moment… I think a gratitude or glimmers practice alongside a cup would be so beautiful xxx

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Thanks Lauren. I'm working on self compassion vs self pity, and this post of yours seems to have landed at just the right time. 🙏

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That’s a very profound intention, Sue. I can’t wait to hear how cacao transforms something deep within you. I have been on an anxiety and doubt in my self-worth journey with cacao and it’s been just the most incredible years and unfoldings.

What I would say though is you want to look for ceremonial cacao paste not powder as the cacao butter is containing most of the beneficial and heart opening nutrients. Also cacao should not necessarily be raw as the fermentation process is crucial for the metabolism and naturally reaches higher temperatures through the heat that is produced during fermentation. But definitely start making use of the one you have and see what bubbles up in your life!

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