Feb 16Liked by Lauren Barber

I am only seeing this now as I somehow got tumbled around into the mess of this week, which somehow has felt both dreary and full of happening. Thank you so much for your honest words and for sharing mine as well. You truly inspire me week by week. Yes, even when you choose to stay silent. That gives me the courage to lean into my need for quiet too. You're beautiful and real, thank you.

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The silence is perhaps the most powerful of all. Lots of love xxx

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Feb 6Liked by Lauren Barber

Sending you love and hope the early spring sunshine will soon warm you enough to get through all the colds the little ones being home from childcare.

So reassuring to read your words Lauren!

I’m sick in bed with fever and cough, well first day no fever… cycle day 5 really still feeling the inner winter. Imbolg truly felt like a rebirth with all this coming together pulling me into my nest and cuddling up in bed.

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Ahhh sending you love and healing as you cocoon - I think that there is still such a pull to rest - I am feeling that hugely this week - even more so perhaps than in January interestingly. I feel like there is some integration to do before we reach our fuller energy. It is still cold and wintery feeling here despite a few little glimmers of new growth - so I am honouring that within myself. xxx

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This is exactly the kind and gentle reassurance (and validation!) that I need right now. It’s been well over a month since I posted on Substack and I’ve missed it so much. But my truth knows that it has just been utterly impossible to do anything other than survive the past few weeks so I’ve tried to take the pressure of myself as best I can (there’s of course still that little voice telling me what I ‘shoud’ be doing and making me feel guilty and not enough)

There has been no wiggle room or cracks to let any form of creativity creep in. Life has been full with just surviving, getting through and ‘the final push’.

But I believe the huge amount of contraction I’ve felt lately is going to birth a beautiful expansion and transformation ✨✨✨

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I wholeheartedly believe that this contraction is going to lead to such expansion, and I also think it is so beautifully loving for you to give yourself this grace and space, to not 'push through' and to tend to yourself so gently. I think the fact you miss it is also such testament to you knowing that it is a space for your creativity. You have time my love. xxx

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Feb 4Liked by Lauren Barber

Just catching up on your writing. Love this as always, the randomness is always welcome. I listened to Matrescence on audio book when Luna was really little, I’d love to revisit and get a hard copy (you can’t quite beat an actual book!) I’m also really enjoying the bbc 4 series ‘child’ - mind blown by every episode!

That colour palette is DELICIOUS 👌🏼 and I also loved the Walter boys, what is it about teen dramas?!

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Oh I so agree that you can't beat an actual book. I have actually never listened to an audio book... I feel like maybe I need to though as I love a podcast. Not heard of that series but will watch it. THANK YOU for the feedback on the colour palette... I am glad you like it and I love the word delicious to describe it. :-)

I am such a sucker for a teen drama - I think it speaks to my inner teenager - that adventurous phase of life where anything feels possible. xx

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Loved reading all of your thoughts and updates here, even in a fallow time, there is so much richness within you and what you are creating. Thanks so much for the mentions, of my fire post and I am so excited to co-create together! I have downloaded the micro-moments recording, thank YOU for doing that.

I am also slowly reading Matrescence and also Milk by Joanna Wolfarth which is fascinating. I will definitely be checking out your recommendation. I really enjoyed Nobody Told Me by Holly McNish which I read in the early motherhood days. In love with your new look website plan and palette, it is cosmic and divine! P.S. yesss love a teen romance/coming of age film/show/story! xx

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Thank you lovely one!!! Oooh will add those to the list... I am trying to not allow myself to buy any more books until I’ve finished what I’m reading. I have a bookcase full! Lol! The website is coming slowly... having to be patient with the rise of flow and energy!!! Xx

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So same with the book ordering, I have piles and piles of unread books but sometimes/a lot of the time I can’t help myself! xx

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Love the colour palette — the colours are so rich and delicious. Thank you for the shout out, you’re a lovely soul with such a generous spirit. Xx

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Thank you for those reflections on the colours, and for reading and sharing your words. Xx

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I love this ❤️ and thank you for mentioning me. I too have so many notes, drafts, words that I'm not ready nor have the space to delve into just yet. (I still have so many saved articles on here to read).

I also love the colour palette and think it's very you!

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Thank you lovely!!! I was going for sunrise/sunset pops of couple but also galactic sky vibes!!! A merge of many pieces of me. In time those drafts will turn to magic I have no doubt xxx

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Definitely feeling and loving galactic sky vibes 😍

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Hiding away in the office this morning to “write” but I’m reading instead. I don’t have words flowing through me and I do not want to force it. Then, I read this and felt confirmed in my desire. Thank you for this, I love this as much as your deeper reflections. Sharing our humanness alongside our wise words is so important. I read Motherhood early in my journey...like month one of my son’s life. I am going to reread now because you love it so much, I’m curious to see how it lands differently.

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Ooooh I’m really interested too… I think I need to reread it actually as I haven’t picked it up since being a Mama of two! I’m curious as to how it lands this time too!

Thank you for receiving my humanness xxxx

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Jan 31Liked by Lauren Barber

Love love love your writing always and thank you so much for your continued support xx

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It’s a pleasure! And thank you for your ongoing love and support! So grateful xx

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Thank you Lauren for such a beautiful and honest essay. We can definitely get lost in the exciting bits about creativity. Being in the fallow is oftentimes uncomfortable but something I spoke of in my recent podcast episode, this idea of darkness being an integral part of sprouting the seeds, gives me comfort in the trust of cycles. P.S. The Summer I Turned Pretty is soooo good. I'll have to check out your rec there. Sending you a deep and nourishing breath. ❤️

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Oh I will have to listen when I can! It really is so important, but so neglected at times!!! Thank you so much for reading, and I really hope another season of The Summer I Turned Pretty comes soon... I need these kind of lighthearted romantic stories in my life - ha! Lots of love xxx

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Really enjoyed reading this Lauren, and that colour palette is gorgeous! I'm in a similar state of all the ideas but nothing coming together, you describe the process so eloquently. I even wrote a post ready to publish but it didn't feel right. I had this thought yesterday that what if all of the ideas that I've written down over January (there's been a lot!) is the deepwork, the inspiration and these ideas will sustain me for the rest of the year. A reframe that helped soothe me from wanting to push forward and produce something, just because. Also loved My Life with the Walter Boys too. X

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Thank you so much lovely - I think there is so much wisdom in the 'not publishing' or 'not writing' - because we have been so 'trained' to push through and produce something - but when we are creating with heart and soul that just doesn't land does it? The energy doesn't settle in the way we wish it too. I love that reframe - the ideas and the seeds are being planted deep into the soil and there is an element of patience before things start to grow. It doesn't mean that nothing is happening - it is all just readying... can't wait to see what ideas you will be birthing this year.

And... gosh I hope they bring back a second series - I need more of that kind of teen romance drama in my life - ha!! xxx

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I love that, creating with heart and soul, and yes it's the opposite of what we've been taught to do. The patience is the hardest thing, but it also feels like a quiet rebellion too, as in I'm going to go against the shoulds here and hold steady ❤️. Yes, me too, teen romance dramas love them! Dawson's Creek & One Tree Hill are faves for me, love a bit of nostalgia x

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Oh I adore Dawson’s Creek! And yes yes yes to quiet rebellion!!! Xx

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I love this x

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Thank you lovely one!! xx

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