Regarding the capacity to say goodbye, my 3 year old gets really upset saying goodbye to his cousin's, aunties and grandparents he just won't do it or will have a meltdown so we've changed it to see you later. I guess the word goodbye is quite final, a closing. My breastfeeding journey with Albus is coming to a close, we re not there yet but I'm ready for it, I think! Thank you as always for your lovely words

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Thank you so much for reading lovely, and yes we have been through similar stages with Sophia actually - she refused to say goodbye too. It is hard to say goodbye when you have been having such a lovely time. See you soon is definitely softer. I hope that the closing of your breastfeeding journey is gentle on you - it will of course be such a cocktail of emotions. xxx

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This makes me wish I had have stopped to honour more of the closing periods in my life. You have inspired me to make the time to think more deeply about closing ceremonies x

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I don't think it is ever too late to bring some closure, even to those very distant memories, I am really glad that you found some inspiration in these words, thank you for reading. xx

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I feel sad and yet excited that I did not know what a closing ceremony was until I read your writing. I understood from what you shared but I had to go look it up too to make sure I was understanding it correctly. What a beautiful idea and ceremony that was held for you. It makes me go I want one really intensely but I also know there is another soul I am supposed to birth...eventually!

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Ahhhh I am so glad that this is now in your awareness... I think we need to actively revive these ancient practices so they don't become fully lost. It was truly the most beautiful thing to honour this chapter. I know many women who have it after each birth - so if it is calling to you there is no reason why you can't have one now and still welcome in another little soul when the time is right. For me it just felt right this way. Thank you so much for reading. xxx

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Love these reflections Lauren. Endings can be so hard because there are often accompanied by grief. But the practice of honouring them is so important and something that is often so lacking in our culture. Your closing ceremony sounds so beautiful being held and witnessed by loved ones - 'It was perhaps the first truly honoured ending in my whole life.' Wow. How incredible you created that for yourself, what a gift.

As for me - I think I am often almost too OK with endings! I notice I can often very quickly and easily severe myself from a previous chapter, with little emotion - whether that's a job, change of location, even friendships... I think it is definitely a way to protect myself from feelings of grief and loss.

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Oh that is such an interesting observation Ellie! I think I have often done similar in that I have just bypassed the discomfort of an ending in favour of the next new chapter, but doing things a little more gently for myself I feel means that I can fully integrate and move into the next phase with the wisdom from previously. It isn't really something I had contemplated much until recent years but the more I have learned about true rites of passage I am understanding how crucial the completion is.

Thank you so much for reading and your reflections. xxx

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Apr 10Liked by Lauren Barber

I really love this Lauren. The photos are so beautiful too. As you know I’ve wanted to arrange my own closing ceremony for a year or so and haven’t yet - this has definitely inspired me to do it. And I love what you wrote about the mothermind closing too, I have felt the same about the containers I run. And pickle 🥹 so loving xxx

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Yes yes! Your closing ceremony will be so powerful!! It really truly does bring a depth to our experience and somehow helps integrate the entire birthing portal. Thank you for your amazing words, I’m so grateful to you xxx

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Ah this is entirely beautiful and so needed Lauren. It sounds as though the closing ceremony for the MotherMind was incredibly special and honoured all of the magic that had been created within that container and I can imagine you held the space so beautifully. I have been lucky to experience a Closing the Bones ceremony for both of my births which was incredibly beautiful, moving and nourishing in a way that I so deeply needed. I am so glad that I had those experiences for many reasons but both were missing the ritual element of other women/friends gathering and holding you, your baby and the space. It is something that I think we all would benefit from so much in our experiences of matrescence, being seen and supported in this very tender time of transition, of endings and beginnings xx

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Oh I’m so grateful for you reading and sharing your experience. How wonderful you got to experience a Closing ceremony both times… I didn’t feel called to it after Sophia… maybe because it felt like it needed to mark the full closure of birthing years… but I think being amongst other women in the circle brought a completely different experience. And for us all not just me. It is something I will remember always. Xxx

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Beautiful words Lauren’ x

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Thanks my love xxx

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What a beautiful honouring of all the endings you've experienced lately. And what a perfect timing to invite us all to ponder this theme for ourselves as the Sun is traversing through the Gate of Completion.

It's a theme close to my heart as this energy is very prominent within my own imprinting. My Moon, my driving force loves a good ending because it opens up the door of possibilities of what's next. As bittersweet as they all are and have been, and ending is also a beginning, a new seed waiting to burst into life. ❤️🙏❤️

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing lovely, it does feel rather potent especially after eclipse season. I’ve been wanting to write about my Closing Ceremony for a year but the time suddenly just felt right. And yes I agree… making space for new seeds to burst through xxxx

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So beautiful. This brought tears to my eyes.

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Thank you so much for reading xx

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