Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
33: Transitioning to Motherhood with Katy Baker

33: Transitioning to Motherhood with Katy Baker

In this episode of Unravelling I got the honour of welcoming my good friend Katy Baker onto the show to talk honestly and openly about transitioning to motherhood.

Katy is mum to Maggie (3), Jasper (2) and 4 month old Delphi. She is a qualified KGHypnobirthing teacher, founder of The Birth Thing and loves sharing knowledge of pregnancy, birth and parenthood with parents-to-be in and around Tunbridge Wells. She proudly teaches The Yesmum Birth Project, which is a modern take on Hypnobirthing, for every birth. She teaches group, private and refresher courses so there's something for every one, at whatever stage of pregnancy.

In this episode we discuss…

  • The truth around transitioning to becoming a mother - the shock, the change in identity and the perspective it gives.

  • What hypnobirthing is all about - and how it can empower you in pregnancy, birth and beyond.

  • Finding our way in the fourth trimester and beyond and how motherhood can be a portal of healing for ourselves.

  • Why simplifying in motherhood is fundamental and how important it is to find your own personal rhythm.

  • The problem of comparison in motherhood and the truth behind the social media shares.

  • The importance of finding your ‘village’ and sharing honestly about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

And much, much more!

You can keep up with Katy by following her on Instagram here and here.

Join her virtual The Birth Thing Mum Hub on Facebook here.

Check out her offerings, including Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Supper Clubs and more, via her website www.thebirththing.com

If you want access to a number of my tools of transformation, then make sure you sign up to my newsletter here.

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Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
A podcast for honest conversations. Unravelling is a sacred space for you to come to when you feel the need to be nurtured, inspired and witnessed in all the beautiful messiness of life. You can expect an eclectic mix of topics that include Motherhood, Womanhood, Soulful Business & all that is Sacred.
The episodes are intended to be soothing and gentle, yet powerful and impactful, weaving the beautiful art of storytelling together with life lessons, practical tools and a little bit of magic too. The journey of unravelling has many, many layers, and each of us are on our own unique path. My hope is that the words shared in each episode will offer a spark of curiosity and a moment of resonance, and help support you in your own beautiful explorations.