Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
Healing our relationship with food and the body with Lily Parkinson

Healing our relationship with food and the body with Lily Parkinson

A beautiful conversation with the multi-passionate Lily Parkinson about how we can find a more embodied healing path when it comes to the way we eat and perceive our bodies.

Lily is a Nutritional Therapist, Embodied Eating Disorder and Mind-Body & Eating Psychology Coach, Yoga Teacher, Medicine Woman and Cacao Ceremonialist. 

After struggling for many years with disordered eating, body dysmorphia and anxiety and depression, she began to seek a more embodied and spiritual path of healing through connecting with the wisdom of body and the earth.

Lily's soul mission is to support women to find embodiment so that they can find freedom in their food, body and health by combining different healing modalities that encompass the body, mind and spirit as healing resources so that women can live in their wholeness.

In this episode we discuss…

  • Lily’s own healing journey with food and her body, and how it linked with feelings of unworthiness.

  • How Yoga was the main catalyst for her journey with embodiment to begin.

  • How society, media and the outside world has an impact on the disconnection and dissatisfaction that is so common within the body.

  • Why we need to change the narratives around complementing people on their weight and appearance.

  • The language we use towards ourselves and our bodies, and how awareness of this can be an important first step to healing our relationship with food and the body.

  • The spectrum and complexity of eating patterns and how to notice if these are impacting your overall wellbeing.

  • Some of the most powerful tools, rituals and practices Lily has found to help make baby steps to healing our relationship with food and the body.

  • Some of the deeper reasons we turn to controlling food.

And so much more!

Links & Resources…

Click here to connect with Lily on Instagram. And click here to explore her website.

Click here to connect with Lauren on her personal Instagram or here for The Heart Work Studio. Email me here if you want to keep this conversation going.

Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
A podcast for honest conversations. Unravelling is a sacred space for you to come to when you feel the need to be nurtured, inspired and witnessed in all the beautiful messiness of life. You can expect an eclectic mix of topics that include Motherhood, Womanhood, Soulful Business & all that is Sacred.
The episodes are intended to be soothing and gentle, yet powerful and impactful, weaving the beautiful art of storytelling together with life lessons, practical tools and a little bit of magic too. The journey of unravelling has many, many layers, and each of us are on our own unique path. My hope is that the words shared in each episode will offer a spark of curiosity and a moment of resonance, and help support you in your own beautiful explorations.