Last week in The Balm membership we gathered to share a restorative Yoga Nidra practice which included some very gentle heart awakening movement at the start, a lovely long lie down, and a little space to connect to our inner dreamers in our journals at the end. If you would like to sink into this practice you can join us for a month for free with this link, or by upgrading your subscription for £8 a month below…
Hello lovely one
How is your heart feeling today? What is your body telling you right now?
I am feeling a little ‘in between’ if I am honest. Old patterns are being re-written both in my physical body and my inner narrative, and I feel called to stay slow and gentle. For me, this has to be a big year for tending to my roots. My resources have been somewhat depleted over the past few years through disrupted sleep, postpartum healing, life… my system tends to slip into overwhelm by default and I am devoting myself to tending to an alteration in this pattern.
What that looks like on a practical sense is finding supportive people, practices and spaces to hold me. I adore holding space for others — it is very much my life and heart work — but I can only do that when I fully tend to myself.
It looks like being selective with those I surround myself with according to how my nervous system is feeling. It looks like working with a herbalist with a sole focus (for now) of nourishing my adrenals and hormones. It looks like daily walks in nature, putting as many plants into my meals as I can fit, daily yoga (both dynamic and restorative), daily meditation and stillness, cacao and ritual, it is gratitude before I go to bed and tracking my cycle with my moods.
It looks like protecting the sleep that I can get. That means early nights — in bed by 9.30pm — reading instead of screens just before sleeptime, giving myself plenty of time to wind down in the evenings (which means more often than not saying no to social engagements that end too late) and doing what I can to be organised the night before so that I can go to bed feeling more at ease.
It looks like finding a therapist I can attend regularly and accepting that it is an investment I need to prioritise even though it is a stretch for me financially.
It actually takes ‘a lot’ to keep my system flourishing… well not even flourishing to be honest, functioning is probably a better word.
I can’t help but wonder how it has come to be that keeping myself afloat requires such effort? Is this just me? Is this modern life? Is this my extremely sensitive system?
What I do know is that I have come to a time in my life where these are not just things that are ‘nice to do’, they are essential.
This is the post that I have been meaning to write for the last few weeks, but instead wrote this one and this one… a reminder to me that when there is a creative urge, and the energy to follow it, the absolutely most aligned thing we can do is to follow that.
Walking your heart’s path… with the help of Human Design
There are so many, multi-layered ways you can embody your Human Design, and if you are totally new to the system here are a couple of resources, and an invitation, to start with…
⋙ A map back to yourself with Human Design - a foundational post I wrote at the end of last year.
⋙ A map to our true selves - a conversation with
⋙ Book a reading with me if you would like a personal reading and reflection of your unique chart.
You will want to make sure you have your chart in front of you to make the most of the information I am sharing here. If you don’t have it to hand you can get it for free here.
Using your Design as a signpost
Over this past month, as I gently sat with some of my own personal dreams and visions for the coming year, I started to contemplate just how much I have come to naturally lean on certain elements of my Human Design chart to ensure that I am following the most aligned pathway for my unique being.
When I speak of ‘alignment’ I am talking about following the path that brings most ease and flow to my life. In a way, I suppose it is following the path of least resistance. That doesn’t mean it is easy, or that there won’t be challenges… it just means that I run in to less blockages along my way and the journey feels attuned to my values and the way I want to live my life. It brings me to life! It still takes courage and devotion, but I have the sense of something magnetic calling me forwarwd, and a deep sense of ‘ahhhh yes’… as I take each step. When I live in this state of being, I notice more, I see more glimmers, I feel like I am doing what I am ‘supposed’ to be doing - even though I may not know exactly what that is!
It hasn’t always been easy for me to go against the grain and tread a path that doesn’t quite fit with the route that others take, but the more I have ‘experimented’, and the more I have grown into this human form (at the age of 41 now), the more I have come to realise that I simply cannot live my life in any other way.
There are a few key pieces of understanding my Human Design that were pivotal to me very early on in my journey, and they still remain important now. So, I am sharing a few of them here to provide you with some ways you too might lean in to your own unique pathway a little more…
⋙ Understand your strategy — and use it!
Each energy type has a ‘strategy’ which is how we are designed to interact with the world in the most aligned way. When we understand our strategy and use it to our advantage — instead of trying to fight against it and operate in the ways that others might do — it brings so much more ease and fluidity to our life.
Don’t underestimate this part of the chart. It is one of the most effective ways of bringing more of what you want into your life, but it does take some practice.
For Manifestors your strategy is to inform. Which means you will get an initial urge to ‘light a fire’ beneath something or initiate, and as you take action on it, it is important that you let those around you know that is what you are doing. This is not to gain permission, but to make sure they don’t feel ‘put out’, or ‘kept in the dark’, particularly if your actions have any form of impact on them. When you inform you are far more likely to get the support you need to turn that urge into something tangible and in turn you will experience greater freedom and more alignment.
For Generators and Manifesting Generators your strategy is to respond. This means that your outer environment will provide you with the opportunities to interact with and then it is down to you to decide which you say YES to and which you say NO to. Make sure you are present enough in your life and engaging in things that spark excitement in you, because when you are in those spaces you will have more aligned possibilities presented to you and the ‘correct'doorways are likely to be opened up. If it drains you, put it down.
For Manifesting Generators you can also initiate and make things happen, but only once you have had a ‘gut response’ that tells you it is a full body YES or a NO, so make sure you are discerning with the pursuits you follow.
For Projectors your strategy is to wait for the invitation. For you it is really important that, instead of trying to initiate action or share your wisdom without being invited to do so, you wait for people to recognise your incredible insight and then invite you to participate. This doesn’t mean you simply have to sit around not taking any action, in fact quite the opposite. Invest your time and energy into refining your skills, replenishing your energy and ensuring you are visible so that people can see your magic. This will then create the opportunity for people to invite you to share and engage.
For Reflectors your strategy is to wait a lunar cycle. Because you are so open (with no defined centres) you don’t have the reliable/consistent energy in your charts to ‘lean on’ to make decisions, so you need time to mull over the information and make a decision and ensure it is coming from you and not your outer environment. Of course there will be day to day decisions that can be made quicker than 28 days, but for the the larger life decisions, allowing yourself time to experience a full lunar cycle will provide you with the information needed to make the most aligned decision. Taking time in nature, in solitude and ensuring you are clearing your energy, is an important part of staying true to your unique rhythms.
⋙ Tuning into YOUR dreams… (and not the dreams of others!) by listening to your Inner Authority
When it comes to deciding what dreams to pursue, and what to take steps towards, the most powerful thing you can do is use your own in-built radar to help you choose what is for you, and what is not. In Human Design this is known as your Inner Authority.
Be gentle with yourself, as this may take some practice (and de-conditioing) because we are generally taught to use our mind to make decisions. Practice on the ‘little’ everyday things so you can build up a trust in it.
If you have Emotional Authority — give yourself some breathing space before taking action to make sure you are moving forwards from a steady, neutral space instead of a high or low state of being. You will feel an internal ‘click’ and a sense of deep knowing when it is time to take action.
If you have Sacral Authority — how does your body respond when you imagine taking steps towards this dream or vision? If you visualise or imagine the manifestation of this idea or vision do you feel excited and lit up? Pay attention to sounds and physical expression from your body and if you feel heaviness or a sense of ‘meh’ then it is likely a NO or perhaps a NOT YET.
If you have Splenic Authority — have you given yourself the chance to get quiet and listen to that very wise, instinctive voice? What was your initial response to it? The Spleen speaks to us in a quiet but all knowing way, and it is very ‘in the moment’ so practice giving yourself a chance to hear it AND honouring it (even if it doesn’t make logical sense).
If you have Self Projected Authority — have you heard yourself speak about this vision or dream? Have you shared it with a trusted source (or as a voice memo) to get clear on what your next steps might be?
If you have Ego Authority — is your heart TRULY in it? Do you really, really want this and do you feel well resourced in your energy and a surge of motivation to take action on it?
If you have Environmental Authority — are you in the right physical space to feel confident that this is ‘your’ dream and vision? Are you surrounded by the right people to witness you speaking this dream into existence?
If you have Lunar Authority (for Reflectors only) — have you given yourself a full lunar cycle to gather all of the information you require to know this is the right dream for you? Are you in the right physical location, surrounded by the right people, to know that this is true for you?
⋙ Get to know your personal not self theme signals…
When you are pursuing the path that is aligned for you you will feel more ease and flow. That isn’t to say there won’t be challenges or obstacles, but things will generally feel like there is forward moving momentum in a way that feels good — each energy type will experience this slightly differently based on the ‘signature theme’.
However, when we aren’t following our true path, or we are going against our strategy and authority, we will likely meet our ‘not self theme’ which is a powerful messenger that tells us it is time to re-route.
The not self theme for Manifestors is Anger and this might show up as resentment, frustration, or feeling stifled in their flow.
The not self theme for Generators and Manifesting Generators is Frustration and this might show up as feeling stuck, stagnant or like they are constantly meeting resistance. Also watch for burn out having said YES to too many things that should have been a NO! Manifesting Generators may also experience Anger if they are feeling as though they are being slowed down or blocked in their momentum.
The not self theme for Projectors is Bitterness and this might show up as resentment, feeling under-valued or invisible, or even feeling taken advantage of.
The not self theme for Reflectors is disappointment and this might show up as feeling let down, or as though expectations haven’t been met.
⋙ Pay attention to your centres
Our centres are the 9 shapes that you will find coloured in (or not) on your chart.
When a centre is defined (coloured in) it gives us a consistent source of energy and is less susceptible to influence from the outside world. These are the parts of us that radiate energy consistently and form key aspects of our innate personality. They are fixed in nature and highlight to us things that come naturally to us.
When a centre is undefined, or open (white) these are more vulnerable to outside influence because we take on energy from others and amplify it. These are very mutable in nature and are places where we can become very wise while also potentially taking on the narratives and stories from others.
A very simple breakdown of the centres…
Head/Crown - Inspiration & Ideas.
Mind/Ajna - Processing & Conceptualising
Throat - Communication & Action
G-Centre/Identity - Sense of Self, Love, Direction
Ego/Heart - Willpower, Drive, Worthiness
Spleen - Intuition, Fear, Immune System
Sacral - Life force/Work force, Sexuality
Emotional Solar Plexus - Emotions, Feelings
Root - Pressure, Adrenaline, Stress.
Something I found incredibly useful is to make sure I am not making decisions from my undefined centres, as these are more mutable and the decisions might not be fully true to me. Our authority is always the first place to go to when it comes to making decisions, but we can also lean on the strengths of our defined centres to support as well.
Understanding where your open centres are, and where you might be susceptible to taking on ‘stuff’ (be that ideas, beliefs, thoughts, emotions) that isn’t yours, and then finding practices to allow you to discharge and clear that energy, will help you return back to your natural path.
These clearing/energy re-aligning practices will look different for everyone, but a few might be…
Time in solitude.
Being in nature.
Movement (that is ‘right’ for you)
Meditation, sound or other mindfulness practices
Water to clear - a shower or bath, swim, even washing your hands and face.
Energy clearing rituals such as removing certain clothes when you come home, brushing your hair, body scrubbing/brushing, etc.
Checking in on your boundaries and making sure they are supporting you.
Being selective with social engagements, or who you spend a lot of time in, particularly if you are feeling quite ‘raw’ or a little more sensitive in nature.
To use an example, I have found knowing that I have an undefined Head/Crown (Inspiration and Ideas centre) to be hugely supportive when it comes to staying aligned to my own path. This being the centre for inspiration, when it is open or undefined we will absorb and amplify ideas and inspiration from the environment around us. This can be wonderful for creative brainstorming — but it can also be overwhelming and confusing.
For years I would receive so many ideas for my business, daily downloads in fact, and I felt that if I had received those ideas then it was my responsibility to take action on them. However when I realised that actually, because of my undefined centre, I was merely a conduit for these ideas, and that they weren’t all mine to make happen (in fact most of them are not) it was a huge relief. Now, I allow this open centre to support my work with clients and friends, and only act on the ideas that activate my sacral YES response.
There is so much more I could say… and I am sure there will be more to come on another day, but I hope that this has given you something to explore (if you feel called) and see some of the ways you can use Human Design to stay aligned with your own personal path through life.
I would love to hear from you if any of this supports? Or perhaps you have found another area of Human Design to be helpful when it comes to keeping you aligned to your own umique way of being. Please do share your experiences in the comments.
A invitation
Over the next few months, in The Balm membership, we will be going on a Human Design journey together. I will be running a series of live workshops (that will be shared as recordings too) to help you embody and explore the foundations of your Human Design chart.
This will be done in community gatherings online, because I feel there is such wisdom in not only understanding your own chart, but also witnessing others. My intention is to make these very interactive with plenty of time for questions.
The workshops we will be covering are…
The foundations of our Energy - types, strategy and authority
Engaging with the world - looking into the profile lines
Reclaiming our centre - an exploration of the centres
Using Human Design in our Heart Work - looking through the lens of sacred business
The first workshop will be held on Saturday 22nd February at 9.30am UK time. If you are a member already you can click here and register for this session. If you would like to join us for the first one then do upgrade your membership below, or click this link to get a free month trial.
Until next time
With so much love and gratitude
Hello to anyone who is new here… I am Lauren. A Mother of two daughters, Writer, Women’s Circle Facilitator, Sacred Business Mentor & Guide, Soul Branding & Website Creator and multi-dimensional human being. I walk with, and hold space for, others who are treading the tender path of their heart and soul work. You can find out more about this space and what to expect here. If you wish to be held in a deeper way do consider joining The Balm membership for restorative practices, sacred heart work offerings and more…
If you enjoyed this piece and wish to explore my other spaces please use the links below to explore…
Motherhood Essays
Self-Tending Practices
The Unravelling Podcast
Sacred Living
Work With Me
Ah this is such a brilliant and clear outline, thank you L. Learning of my type has really changed so much for me. It is sometimes tricky to wait for the invitation but often I do feel more comfortable and ‘seen’ when I do. My only two defined centres are throat and G-centre, I think I need to learn more about how to work with these/the open ones — thank you for the example of your open ideas/inspiration centre and ideas for coming back into alignment when our centres are thrown off. Can’t wait to learn more at the online workshop xx
This is so good Lauren. I have recently learned more about my human design (I'm a MG) and have been practicing with saying yes only when I have a full body response to something. I noticed how much I have convinced myself to do things because they sound good on paper, or seem like something I should do. Taking time to check in and see if there is that gut "yes" has been so so good. Thank you for this!!