Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
52: On Not Being Afraid To Experiment In Our Business

52: On Not Being Afraid To Experiment In Our Business

This episode was part of the series of The Heart Work Podcast, which I tried out for a bit of time in 2021. I realized very soon once I had delved into this podcast that I was feeling called to rekindle and reconnect to Unravelling. The work of Unravelling is not done. This year has been a huge experiment in my business and heart work. In this podcast episode I am sharing why it is so important not to be afraid of trying things and exploring… In this episode I share…

  • My own journey this year with experimentation in my business

  • Pivoting and changing and trying new things as part of our process and something to embrace

  • The wisdom we can receive when things don’t ‘work’

  • Embracing myself as a Manifesting Generator in Human Design

  • My recent experimentations with launching and stepping away from social media and what I have learned through things ‘not working’.

And so much more!

Links & Resources…

Join The Free Heart Work Community: https://the-heart-work-community.mn.co/ Sign up for the Heart Work newsletter: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/606ec6496b2fd82a44837f62  Visit my website: https://www.theheartworkstudio.com

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theheartworkstudio/

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Held. By Lauren Barber
Unravelling with Lauren Barber
A podcast for honest conversations. Unravelling is a sacred space for you to come to when you feel the need to be nurtured, inspired and witnessed in all the beautiful messiness of life. You can expect an eclectic mix of topics that include Motherhood, Womanhood, Soulful Business & all that is Sacred.
The episodes are intended to be soothing and gentle, yet powerful and impactful, weaving the beautiful art of storytelling together with life lessons, practical tools and a little bit of magic too. The journey of unravelling has many, many layers, and each of us are on our own unique path. My hope is that the words shared in each episode will offer a spark of curiosity and a moment of resonance, and help support you in your own beautiful explorations.